LGISD, Internet is back online. Please restart any device thatis stubborn in connecting. LGISD IT
about 2 months ago, David Bennett
Certificates and goodie bags were presented to Voice of Democracy participants. These La Grange High School students competed in the patriotic audio essay on the topic, "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?" Hope Michalke's entry was selected to advance to the next level of competition. Pictured (from L to R): Richard Gray (VFW Unit 5254), Hope Michalke, Ella Janacek, Eleanor Carey, and Marilyn Kothmann (VFW Auxiliary Post 5254)
about 2 months ago, Lori Kallus
Voice of Democracy - LHS
Hello LGISD Families: La Grange ISD is hosting newly required school-based law enforcement training today and tomorrow. You may see a large law enforcement presence at a couple of LGISD locations. The officers will be self-contained and will not disrupt any student activities/instruction. We appreciate our law enforcement officials who are committed to keeping our community safe.
6 months ago, Sharon Muzny
Taking no chances with the potential impact of Hurricane Beryl, all WIN and Skills are cancelled for Monday, July 8. We will keep you updated about any future cancellations as well. Stay safe!
7 months ago, Leslie Coltrain
Taking no chances with the potential impact of Hurricane Beryl, all WIN and Skills are cancelled for Monday, July 8. We will keep you updated about any future cancellations as well. Stay safe!
LGISD Parents and Staff: See a Press Release here: https://5il.co/2madh
9 months ago, Sharon Muzny
LGISD 4, 5, & 6th grade parents: The storm that came though La Grange today impacted trees on the Elementary Campus. One large limb broke on the 4/5/6th grade parent dropoff/pickup car line at the corner of Travis and Jackson Street. Although the limb is now cleared, there is damage remaining in the tree. The driveway entrance at the corner of Travis/Jackson Streets will be closed until further notice. Please use the driveway entrance on Travis Street in front of the Student Services building instead. It is the entrance that is closest to Sonic.
9 months ago, Sharon Muzny
La Grange ISD Parents & Guardians: We would like to inform our parents of the following incident. La Grange ISD Route 6 bus was traveling on Highway 71 westbound in the area of West Point this afternoon, May 7, 2024. The bus was stopped and unloading children when an accident occurred several vehicles behind the bus and multiple vehicles were involved in that accident. The LGISD bus was NOT damaged, nor were any LGISD students or staff involved or injured. The children riding on the Route 6 bus did see some of the damaged vehicles and may have witnessed trauma. The mental health of our students and staff is a top priority and we have our school counselors on standby to assist students in the morning if they choose. Our prayers are extended to all involved including police, fire, EMS, and dispatch personnel.
9 months ago, Sharon Muzny
LGHS Project Graduation Fundraiser Meal Thursday, March 21, 2024 Drive-Thru @ LGHS Cafeteria 4:30-6:30 $15.00 Please contact the front office or any class officers for tickets.
12 months ago, John Pineda
LGHS Fundraiser Meal
La Grange ISD will have a normal start on Thursday, January 25, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Sharon Muzny
District News
La Grange ISD is on a two-hour delay for all district operations on Wednesday, January 24, due to area road conditions caused by inclement weather. All staff will report to work 2 hours later than your usual start time. Classes will begin two hours later than the usual start time. For example, if your child attends elementary school, rather than starting at 8:00 am, classes start at 10:00 am. If your student rides the bus, the bus will come two hours later than the usual pick-up time. For example, if your child normally gets picked up by the bus at 6:45 am, your child will now get picked up at 8:45 am. We are continuing to reassess the roadways and flooding. An announcement will be made prior to 7:30 AM if roadway conditions warrant school cancellation. We will continue monitoring the weather conditions and will keep you updated if further changes in the school day are necessary. Stay safe
about 1 year ago, Sharon Muzny
2 Hour Delay
It's a busy, but fun week as Basketball and visiting Football teams play in La Grange throughout the week. Both Boys and Girls Basketball played away games earlier this week and MS Girls Basketball start their season here this Thursday. The Lady Leps Varsity Basketball team plays Flatonia this Friday while we host another Playoff Football Game between Industrial vs Randolph at 7:00 PM. The LHS Swim Team heads to San Antonio for a weekend tournament while the HS Boys Basketball finish up the week by playing in Brenham on Saturday. It's always a great time to be a Leopard! GO LEPS!
about 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
Go LEPS! It's been a great week with the start of Girls Basketball here in La Grange Monday and finishing up on Saturday with Boys Basketball in Fayetteville. Tonight is the BIG Leopard Varsity Football Playoff Game vs Madisonville in Bryan, TX at 6:00 PM at Merrill Green Stadium. Tickets are online at www.bryanvikings.net LGISD is also hosting a Playoff Football Game Friday 11/10 at 7:00 PM, Rogers vs Van Vleck. Tickets are online at LGISD.net if you would like to come out for this game as well. GO LEPS! Thanks for all your support!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
With the impending weather for tonight's game, we wanted to make you aware that Bryan ISD does not allow umbrellas in their stadium. All other rain gear is permitted. Let's get out there and cheer loud for our LEOPARDS! #TimeToHunt #OnThePROWL
over 1 year ago, Leslie Coltrain
With the impending weather for tonight's game, we wanted to make you aware that Bryan ISD does not allow umbrellas in their stadium. All other rain gear is permitted. Let's get out there and cheer loud for our LEOPARDS! #TimeToHunt #OnThePROWL
From Coach Kyle Cooper at 4:00 PM today: We have canceled the Freshman 5 o'clock game. We will combine that team with our JV and try to play as early as 6 o'clock. It depends on if Gonzales can get here and the weather. Stay tuned......
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
The Middle School and Varsity teams are very busy in La Grange this week. Both MS Football and MS Volleyball are busy with Playoffs, while Varsity and Sub-Varsity Football and Volleyball continue to fight this week for wins to finish up their seasons. The XC Girls Team ran their hearts out in Huntsville for Regionals this past Tuesday! Tomorrow, we host MS Volleyball at 5:00 PM & 6:30 PM with both the 7th vs Navasota (HS Gym) and 8th vs Smithville(MS Gym) girls playing simultaneously. The Freshman Football team will also see action Thursday evening as they take on Sealy at 5 PM and JV vs Gonzales at 6:30 PM. Varsity Football heads to Gonzales Friday night to meet the Apaches and Volleyball prepares for Bi-District Playoffs next week after having swept Manor New Tech last night. It's a great week to be a Leopard! GO LEPS! Varsity Football Tickets vs Gonzales can be found online.
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
The Mighty Leopard Band plans to continue its winning streak as it heads to Pflugerville this Saturday for another high stakes Marching Contest. The Sub-Varsity teams will play out-of-town this Thursday and the Varsity Volleyball and Football teams will be playing in La Grange Friday evening to a packed home crowd vs Giddings. Please join us for all the action before and during the football game as the 'Paws for the Cause' players and honorees are announced at 6:45 PM and the always fun 'Lil' LepsTunnel Run' takes place at or near 7:00 PM at the south end of the field! GO LEPS!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
Please join us in supporting the Mighty La Grange Leopard Band at their marching contest in Giddings, Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the HS Stadium. Tickets are sold online for $6.50 a person at the following link: https://www.uilmusicregion26.com/ The Varsity Football plays in Caldwell tonight at 7:30 PM and tickets are purchased at the gate. Go Leps!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
The La Grange Leopards have had a great victory fillled week so far and are looking forward to the Varsity Football Game @ Smithville 7:30 PM tonight, along with Volleyball starting at 5:00 PM. Tickets for tonight's games are online at events.ticketspicket.com Reminder: NO School Monday and Tuesday for students! GO LEPS!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
Busy week in Sports for the La Grange Leopards.......8th Grade vs Cuero 6:00 PM Tuesday. Freshmen vs Somerville 5:00 PM and JV vs Buda Johnson 6:30 PM this Thursday. Varsity vs Splendora 7:30 PM for HOMECOMING on Friday! Please come out and support your local High School and Middle School La Grange Leopards in Volleyball, Cross Country, Tennis and Football throughout the entire season. Tickets online for Football and Volleyball at LGISD. net GO LEPS!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott
The La Grange Leopard JV Football Team welcomes El Campo Thursday evening for a 5:30 PM game. Tickets can be purchased online at LGISD.net. Freshmen Football will be in Lago Vista at 6:00 PM Thursday and tickets can be purchased at LagoVista.net. Varsity Football action is in La Grange Friday night with the Leopards hosting the Lago Vista Knights! The game starts at 7:30 PM and tickets can be purchased online at LGISD.net. GO LEPS!
over 1 year ago, Bamba Scott