MS Tech 3d printing their first project

LMS yearbook staff jumps for joy after submitting their yearbook today!

LMS PawCast March 9, 2018

This week, 7th and 8th grade Advanced Tech students are working with BBC Micro:Bit kits with block coding. Experiments include creating a variable speed fan, a dimmable LED, and a finger piano.

Exploring series and parallel circuits in MS Tech.

7rh grade life science extracts strawberry DNA.

MS tech classes visit the metal shop to learn about high school shop classes.

The LGISD Art department held their annual Houston Rodeo Art viewing, for parents and community this past Saturday. The show was a smashing success with lots of visitors enjoying great student art.

MS Tech Catapult prototype

8th Grade A Team Basketball Girls—District Champs
District record 9-0
Season record 14-0

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Art Middle School Best of Show & Gold Medal winners. Remaining artwork & awards will be announced at our community art show February 17, 11 to 1, at the LHS Cafeteria.

Mrs. Rohan's MS Tech class (STEM) created pulleys. (2 of 2)

Mrs. Rohan's MS Tech class (STEM) created pulleys. (1 of 2)

Brenda Garbe and Deanna Hoelscher wear red February 2 to raise awareness for women and heart disease.

Engineering functional furniture at the middle school.

LMS PawCast January 26, 2018

7th B wins over Giddings.

Calculating speed

La Grange Middle school PE girls win Marathon Medals through the Rising New York Road Runners program.