almost 7 years ago, Sarah Otto
MS Tech 3d printing their first project
almost 7 years ago, Wendy Rohan
LMS yearbook staff jumps for joy after submitting their yearbook today!
almost 7 years ago, Deanna Hoelscher
LMS PawCast March 9, 2018 https://vimeo.com/260994586
almost 7 years ago, David Bennett
This week, 7th and 8th grade Advanced Tech students are working with BBC Micro:Bit kits with block coding. Experiments include creating a variable speed fan, a dimmable LED, and a finger piano.
almost 7 years ago, David Bennett
Exploring series and parallel circuits in MS Tech.
almost 7 years ago, Wendy Rohan
7rh grade life science extracts strawberry DNA.
almost 7 years ago, Wendy Rohan
MS tech classes visit the metal shop to learn about high school shop classes.
almost 7 years ago, Wendy Rohan
The LGISD Art department held their annual Houston Rodeo Art viewing, for parents and community this past Saturday. The show was a smashing success with lots of visitors enjoying great student art.
almost 7 years ago, Patrick Walker
ArtShow 3
ArtShow 2
ArtShow 1
MS Tech Catapult prototype
about 7 years ago, Wendy Rohan
8th Grade A Team Basketball Girls—District Champs District record 9-0 Season record 14-0
about 7 years ago, Rebecca Gerecke
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Art Middle School Best of Show & Gold Medal winners. Remaining artwork & awards will be announced at our community art show February 17, 11 to 1, at the LHS Cafeteria.
about 7 years ago, Angie Eichler
Mrs. Rohan's MS Tech class (STEM) created pulleys. (2 of 2)
about 7 years ago, La Grange Middle School
Group 5
Group 4
Mrs. Rohan's MS Tech class (STEM) created pulleys. (1 of 2)
about 7 years ago, La Grange Middle School
Group 2
Group 3
Brenda Garbe and Deanna Hoelscher wear red February 2 to raise awareness for women and heart disease.
about 7 years ago, Deanna Hoelscher
Engineering functional furniture at the middle school.
about 7 years ago, Angie Eichler
Table with Drawers
LMS PawCast January 26, 2018 vimeo.com/252942628
about 7 years ago, David Bennett
7th B wins over Giddings.
about 7 years ago, Angie Eichler
Calculating speed
about 7 years ago, Kim Landis
La Grange Middle school PE girls win Marathon Medals through the Rising New York Road Runners program.
about 7 years ago, Rebecca Gerecke