Game time change for tomorrow 8/30/19 @ Schulenburg: JV will play @ 5 and Varsity is @ 5. There will no freshman match tomorrow. #EarnIt
over 5 years ago, Leslie Coltrain
"THE WIZARD of OZ" - 2019 Fall Production AUDITIONS for LGISD 6th-12th graders, Sunday Aug 18th 4-7pm @ LHS GYM: tech, acting, makeup, costumes, set design. Audition PACKET @ Open House Drama Club table. Rehearsals: Sun 4-7pm @ LHS. Performing Dec 6th/pm, 7th/pm, 8th/afternoon.
over 5 years ago, Alizabeth Calhoun
It’s GAME DAY for the Lady Leps!
over 5 years ago, Leslie Coltrain
Game day
Congratulations to the freshman volleyball team for winning first place in the Schulenburg tournament.
over 5 years ago, La Grange High School
Team picture
REMINDER: All incoming 9th-12th graders interested in trying out for the 2019 volleyball teams should check out the info on the website at the following link:
over 5 years ago, Leslie Coltrain
LHS Media Club attend at information session and tour of the Moody College of Communication at UT Austin on Friday, May 17.
over 5 years ago, Tara Bennett
The LHS Debate Team is holding a bake sale this Saturday at the Market on the Square from 8am to noon! They are raising money for debate camp this summer and looking forward to a great upcoming year after sending two teams to state last month. Come out and support these hard-working kids and pick up something sweet for Mom or yourself!
almost 6 years ago, Tara Bennett
CX Debaters 2018 2019
The Class of 2021 would like to thank the parent volunteers and the community for making our car wash fundraiser on Saturday a huge success. We raised over $1200 and had a great time! THANK YOU!
almost 6 years ago, Tara Bennett
Sophomore Car Wash
Car Wash 1
Car Wash 2
Last day to order yearbooks is Tuesday April 30! Don't miss out! Books will be distributed before Seniors leave for college and will include full coverage of prom, graduation and lots more! Order online at or pick up an order form from the school office.
almost 6 years ago, Lucy Carr
This year's theme looks at the reality of High School life at LGISD
We cover all the best moments of the year!
Those images of a black hole captured by a telescope the size of earth this week? Cool stuff. The algorithm that made it possible was developed by a CS grad student. How'd you like to have THAT on your resume'! Read this. Be inspired. Take Computer Science!
almost 6 years ago, Tara Bennett
CLASS of 2021 Car Wash & Lemonade Stand fundraiser on Saturday, April 27, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Sophomores: check your emails for details and sign up. Everybody else: come get your car sparkly clean!
almost 6 years ago, Tara Bennett
Track will not be going to either meet today with the M.S. and H.S.
almost 6 years ago, Matt Kates
High School and Middle School Field Events are cancelled today at our track meets in Rice (H.S.), and Bellville (M.S.). Running events will start sooner than normal due to the cancelled Field Events. Go Leps, and Lady Leps!
almost 6 years ago, Matt Kates
Successful Lep’s Forum - Spanish Dept thanks you for attending!
almost 6 years ago, Brandy Zingelmann
Spanish Dept. thanks those that came out to the Lep’s Forum last night! Enjoyed meeting y’all and we look forward to working with the upcoming Freshmen!
The baseball games (JV & Varsity) here tonight have been moved TO Wimberley due to field conditions. Go Leps!
almost 6 years ago, Matt Kates
The softball games (JV & Varsity) here tonight have been moved TO Georgetown due to field conditions. Go Lady Leps!
almost 6 years ago, Matt Kates
LHS students competing at the Wimberley High School UIL academic meet on Saturday, February 9. GO LG!
almost 6 years ago, Laurie Stork
Journalism and literary criticism students studying before their contests
Ready Writers hard at work
Extemp speakers preparing their speeches
In their VERY FIRST competition, the Leopardette Drill Team won a Sweepstakes Award (scoring 90+ from all judges in all 3 events) @ the CenTex Dance Festival on Jan. 26. They also received 1st runner up Academic Champion Award and Best in Class in their division. Congratulations!
almost 6 years ago, Becky Little
The 2018-2019 LGISD Community Western Art Show was a success! We had a great turnout! There were over 250 pieces K-12th grade on display.
almost 6 years ago, Jack Vollbaum
LADY LEP BASEKTBALL PLAYOFF GAME DAY! Come to Sealy tonight as LG takes on Stafford @ 7pm!
almost 6 years ago, Leslie Coltrain