FENTANYL:One Pill Kills
Narcan is now available on each campus.
Your child will be sent to the school clinic in case of illnesses or accidents while attending school. You, or the person you name as an alternate on the emergency sheet, will be notified if your child is unable to remain in school. It will be your responsibility to obtain medical attention unless an emergency is so great that your child must be transported immediately from school to an emergency facility. Then you will be notified as soon as possible. Someone from the school will remain with your child until you arrive at the emergency facility.
We ask that you make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible after being notified of his/her need to go home. Please remember to contact the school if your telephone number at home or work has changed. It is equally as important to provide the school with alternate phone numbers.
Please notify the school nurse if your child has a medical problem that school personnel should be made aware of. If you have any questions regarding suggestions or referrals made by the health services department, please call the school nurse.
Kari Willrich, RN BSN | Kayley Brooks, RN BSN La Grange Elementary (979)968-7017 |
Myra DelaRosa, LVN | Shelby Cook, LVN |
Screenings at La Grange ISD
Vision screening - grades EC, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
Hearing screening - grades EC, PK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7
Scoliosis screening - girls fall of grades 5 & 7; boys fall of grade 8
Acanthosis nigricans screening to detect possible risk for Type 2 diabetes - grades 1, 3, 5, 7
All new students to the district will be screened for vision and hearing; scoliosis and acanthosis screening will be done if grade appropriate
For the protection of all at LaGrange ISD and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following rules have been established for the health clinics.
A child will not be able to remain in school, and you will be notified to pick your student up if he/she complains of:
Measured temperature of 100.0 or greater
Loss of taste or smell
Cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
Fatigue, muscle ache
New onset of Congestion or runny nose
New onset of severe headache
Sore throat
Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
Chills, shaking or exaggerated shivering
Suspected contagious disease, including pink eye, staph infections, impetigo, etc. Certain diseases must be treated by a physician before readmission is allowed.
Other illnesses making the child too ill to remain in school
If your child has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school, please keep him/her at home. Your child must meet the return to school criteria in order to return.
**You will need to make arrangements to have your child picked up within 45 minutes of a call from the school stating they must go home.
Click "Forms and Documents" link to the left for Medication Permission Form
All medications must be furnished by the parent.
We encourage you to give your child their daily medications at home. If needed, daily medications will be given at breakfast, lunch, and end of the day. All medications must come in the original container with a written note or school form completed and signed in order to administer them to your child. Students may not carry medications on them unless documented on file in the clinic by a physician for them to self carry. The clinic will only keep a 30 day supply of daily medications.
Nebulizers and as needed medications are highly discouraged in the school this year due to COVID-19. Inhalers with spacers are recommended instead of nebulizer treatments.
Prescription medications must be taken to the Clinic by a parent/guardian. Do not send prescription medications with your child.
All medicine, prescription and non-prescription, to be administered at school must be accompanied by a written request signed and dated by the parent or legal guardian.The request must be renewed annually. The student himself, if over the age of 18, may give permission to use medication under these guidelines.
Immunizations are an important part of protecting your child's, your family's, and your community's health, and state law requires students in Texas schools to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases.
To determine the specific vaccines that will be required for your child, please click on the link
Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, and active duty with the armed forces of the United States.
Written requests must be submitted through the U.S. Postal Service, commercial carrier, fax, or by hand-delivery.
Mailing Address:
Immunization Branch
Department of State Health Services
Immunization Branch (MC 1946)
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
Fax: (512) 776-7544
Online: Via the department's online exemption form (
School Health Advisory Council
LGISD held a SHAC meeting on Monday, April 22, 2022 at the Norma Webb Center at 6:00 pm.
I. Welcome
II. Minutes of April 25, 2022 SHAC Meeting
III. Select Co-Chair
IV. Review of LGISD Health Services
IV. Information/Questions